Workshop Visueel. Voor Leisure & Events Management, WdKA.
Je kunt je project in één beeld positioneren. En inspelen op de pathos (de emoties) die je publiek hebben bij dat beeld. De connotatie aan symboliek die je gebruikt is waarschijnlijk herkenbaar binnen een bepaalde culturele groep (doelgroep).
Symbolische tekens kunnen via een metafoor de ideologie van je project vertalen. Deze visuele 'kapstok' van je concept, kan je helpen beslissingen te nemen in alle verdere communicatie uitingen.

Schets of omschrijf een SYMBOOL bij je project. Een voorwerp of beeld dat zonder iets te zeggen, de ideologie van je project kracht bij zet.

Een ICOON wordt vaak vertaald naar een 'boegbeeld', zoals Michael Jordan dat is voor Nike met Jordan Brand.
If Nadya had been aware of any legacy before, it would have been that of the Moscow Conceptualists, a group of contemporary performance and visual artists and writers who, in the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s, had reappropriated the language and rituals of Soviet officialdom for the purposes of disarming it. Punk Prayer had been designed and performed very much in the Moscow Conceptualist mould: it was a brilliant prank of an artwork, and no one had planned to go to prison over it. Indeed, several participants in Pussy Riot's previous actions backed out precisely because they thought the group was pushing its luck and might get into serious trouble.

Pussy Riot was an open-membership collective in which every participant performed anonymously. "Being Pussy Riot is like being Batman," one participant told me. "You put on the mask – and you become Pussy Riot. You take it off – and you are no longer Pussy Riot." The mask, in this case, was a balaclava. It could be any colour as long as it was bright and one wore tights to not match it.

The arrest of Pussy Riot's Nadya and Maria fell on 4 March 2012, the day Putin was re‑elected president. In late December 2013 Putin, in a gesture timed to polish his image ahead of the Sochi Olympics, released several high-profile political prisoners, including Nadya and Maria.

Gessen, Masha (2014), 'Pussy Riot: Behind the balaclavas'. The Guardian. [Online] Available from: [Accessed: April 29 2020].
One of ID-magazine's signifying gestures is a 'wink,' which creates the single eye symbolism that we have all grown to know as representing the Illuminati. It is this symbolism that appears in every issue of the magazine, and those in connection with the publication are encouraged to 'wink.'
The single-eye symbolism that the magazine embraces, as a 'wink and smile on each front cover' is a 'graphic representation of the magazine's logo.'
Het voordeel van een bekend symbool, is dat ie resoneert bij je gebruiker.
De zebra zegt: lopen. In actie komen.
Die herinnering bij je kijker kan je gebruiken, of juist een draai aan geven om te verrassen met je beeld.
Symbool - Een symbool is een teken met een bepaalde betekenis. Door middel van verbanden of afspraken wordt duidelijk wat de betekenis van het symbool is. Het woord symbool stamt uit het Grieks: het woord 'symbolon' betekent 'teken'.

Icoon - (Gr. eikōn ‘gelijkenis, afbeelding’), Rolmodel, iemand die dient als boegbeeld voor een bepaald gedachtegoed of bepaalde overtuiging. Vivienne Westwood wordt gezien als icoon van de Punk beweging, rebel vanuit fashion. Je komt haar vaker tegen in deze workshop, omdat zij alle stappen gebruikt.
Run DMC, icon voor Adidas.
Within its first few years, the Superstar was being worn by more than three quarters of all NBA players, who favoured it for the firm hold offered by the leather upper when making quick turns on the court. It was a marked improvement on the canvas uppers that had dominated the market prior to its release.

As the years progressed, however, the Superstar got a taste of its own medicine. Advancements in footwear tech saw it become redundant on the court and, like the Converse All Star before it, it was destined to live the rest of its days as a lifestyle sneaker.

As it turned out, this was the Superstar’s true calling. It wasn’t long before the ‘shell toe’, as it became known, was a prominent part of hip-hop culture, thanks in no small part to its adoption along with the Adidas tracksuit as a sort of unofficial uniform for genre-defining group Run DMC.

Run DMC’s love for the superstar and the resulting track My Adidas really cemented the Superstar as a cultural icon and brought it to a wider audience.
My new not-4-profit foundation; profits to charity:
I am the only person with a plan to save spiral + the NGO’s have got to do it, coordinate, exercise full use of their power + demand Govt support.
I am Vivienne, fashion designer, artist, fundraiser. As an activist I have designed so many graphics, I put them into a pack of playing cards; On the back me at 4 yrs old. Lo and behold! Blueprint ― the answer’s in the cards: a complete strategy 2 save spiral. Please follow the cards with me.